



the money

Money is loved. I'm thankful for money. These 2 are very important. When I say "I like money very much.", if it's an old Japanese sense of values, you seem to have a prejudice fairly, but I worry about nothing. That it's said that they "love" money, it's completely an exception "to stick" to money. The one as riches's person is often loving money. I like the form of the paper money and the design, and that I say, we assume that I even like the smell. The person who loves money and changes money importantly as expected is liked by money and is being the luck with money constitution. Money, "of the tour", and, it's known to say. Money is an energy body and is a circulation thing at the same time as it's a substance. It isn't better to hold the energy through which I should circulate originally at one place. While the place where water is being same as a flow and is always running is beautiful and clear, the water stopping at Hajime is stagnant, isn't it? Money, one, as much as I have it, for, I'm not living. When using it for a person and a world, it's the bigger energy and is returning. The store is also sometimes important, but please put money with SOMETHING in mind saying "of the tour". A sense of values to money will be reconsidered. I think the person holding negative feeling to money is here, too. "A heart is more important than money." and, the etc. by which "a favorite person can't trust money". But a good potato bad bumpkin has no money in itself. To take the one which has value makes that something low, and or is in a heart of the man who handles that after all, isn't it? When it's hoped "So love in money.", it's positive feeling at least to money, the look vs., I have to do. If you're holding negative feeling to money, it's necessary to be changing that.  How to use using money is done. Even if I say that money is used for a bite, the implication is completely changing with how to use and the use, isn't it? When shopping, has it been wasted and has not it been regretted? This is the how to use which makes "dead capital" but the money something worthless. On the other hand when thinking tightly and buying something by which I think one now needs this, it'll be "useful money". This makes money vivid and is the how to use by which you'll take the one which has value, right? With thinking nothing, not to use money, but the case that one is buying the one which can find the value and is making the money the one which has value will assume serious proportions very much. A positive word is always used. Money clears up, and I'm dropping in on a positive person brightly. A positive mind will be the absolute condition to make the luck with money constitution. When a word has power of words, it's being talked about from the past, isn't it? Please cast a positive word on a person around all the time and make the good wavelength be spread. When doing


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